Home Brands Carlyle Compressor (brand of United Technologies Corporation)

Carlyle Compressor (brand of United Technologies Corporation)

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Carlyle Compressor, a brand under United Technologies Corporation, has been a cornerstone in the realm of industrial equipment components since its establishment. Situated in the United States, Carlyle Compressor has a storied history dating back to its inception.The company specializes in the manufacturing of high-quality compressors and related components, catering to a wide array of industrial applications. With a focus on precision engineering and reliability, Carlyle Compressor's product line includes reciprocating compressors, screw compressors, and scroll compressors, among others.Based on its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, Carlyle Compressor has become a trusted name in the industrial sector, providing essential spare parts and accessories that ensure the seamless operation of industrial machinery and systems worldwide.
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